Obesity is a contributing factor to many diseases. With the cat at our house as well, let’s see who’s cat should lose weight now??
groping for ribs
Have the cat stand in a normal position. Then put your hand on the side to feel the ribs. Can’t find ribs Shows that the cat is starting to get fat.
Observe the abdomen
A cat’s tummy can tell if a cat is fat or thin. If the abdomen is sagging more than usual Shows that the cat is starting to gain weight.
have a double chin (wattle)
If your cat is overweight or obese, there will be enough wattle under the skin, jawline, and neck.
stroking the waist to find a concave curve
Run your hand around your waist to check if there is a lot of fat accumulation or sticks. If you can’t find your waist, your cat is starting to get fat.